A Brief History of Man´s Psyche Between Two Big Bangs

by Josef Kobik


Book Details

TOTAL REVISION is a summary of the history of the human psyche. And it’s only 47 pages! From the Big Bang to Adam and Eve to the demise of the Universe. Everything is included! TOTAL REVISION offers an experimental read resembling a photo album look and feel. It gives the readers a huge space for creative thinking based on their own understanding and interpretation. TOTAL REVISION was originally written in Czech: started forty-five years ago, after the Soviet invasion to Czechoslovakia, and finished and published in 1989. It took twenty years to write! TOTAL REVISION is intended primarily for demanding and experienced readers. Do you like Bunin, Babel, Bulgakov, Heller, Bradbury, Vonnegut? Do you like to laugh? Then there is a good chance that TOTAL REVISION will appeal to you.


About the Author

Josef Kobik

The author, Mr. Josef Kobík, graduated from the University of 17th November (interpreting and translation in the field of English and Russian) and later from the faculty of pedagogy and psychology at Charles University in Prague. For 42 years he has worked as an English teacher (first at university, then in high school, his own language school and now as a private instructor). He teaches all types of specialties and now, at the age of 66, handles almost three ordinary teaching loads; with enthusiasm and love of both the field and his students.