Tommy T-Rex Thankful Thanksgiving

by Kasey Young


Book Details

Dinosaurs big and small have packed the sky and roads to celebrate their favorite feast, THANKSGIVING. There is football, a balloon parade and lots of delicious food. But something terrible happens when a dinosaur guest tries to steal the turkey platter. Will the feast be ruined? Join Tommy T-Rex and his pals as they have their meal saved by an unlikely friend. Who will it be?


Book Excerpt

One thing that never happens is T-rex and Tricera coming together,Carnivores and herbivores like different things altogether.
While they might live next door to each other,Tina Tricera doesn’t mingle with those that could eat her brother.



About the Author

Kasey Young

Kasey Young lives in NH with her husband, two small boys, and a cat, Acadia, who thinks she’s a dog. Kasey is a former middle school science teacher and marine biologist. She is currently watching, playing or reading facts about various dinosaurs and will one day know how to pronounce Huehuecanauthtlus. She wrote this book for her boys to enjoy and hopes your family will too.



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