Toby the Trusting Turtle

by Lynn Domenick McKenzie

Toby the Trusting Turtle

Toby the Trusting Turtle

by Lynn Domenick McKenzie

Published May 30, 2014
32 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Turtles & Tortoises


Book Details

A story of two children who befriend a turtle they discover in nature and the friendship they experience while taking care of him.

Lynn Domenick McKenzie has applied her creative talents to bring a heartwarming story to life. Her imagination has imbued the characters in Toby and the children with real life feelings and the values.


About the Author

Lynn Domenick McKenzie

Lynn Domenick (McKenzie) has written an equally enrapturing book to complement her prior book “Merrill” published in 2007. Her current project, “Toby”, is another example of her passion for the telling of a story with brilliant vivid pictures and a text that highlights her talent in translating human feelings to the written page.

Also by Lynn Domenick McKenzie
