Tibby And His Friend's Big Secret

by Carl Kegerreis


Book Details


Tibby and his dog Starber-a longhaired shepherd who is brave,smart,and talented-live in a rural Village, and along with their friends, they can always find fun and adventure. But things get very strange when Tibby dreams about Coley and Darnell Morcort who’ve moved into a creepy mansion outside the Village. It isn’t long before his dream starts to becomes reality. Tibby, Starber and his friends discover an amazing secret and can't tell anyone. Can you keep their secret?..

This story is Inspired by the author’s first love—Big Red, a stray Irish setter he disentangled from a cornfield fence and subsequently adopted—Tibby and His Friends'Big Secret is an exciting tale of adventure and excitement for boys and girls and animal lovers everywhere.


Book Excerpt

Tibby's dream continues about his friend Rex with him at the kitchen table enjoying after school snacks. Tibby and Rex would drop their hands and Tibby's dog Starber would move from one side of the table to the other side grabbing the morsels and licking their fingers. Tibby whispered to Rex, "I got in trouble at school." Rex dropped the peanut butter jelly sandwich on his plate listening. "Ms. Torgan caught me day dreaming so I couldn't go out for recess and I had to talk to her. She wanted to know why I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't tell her what Starber and I saw earlier today when I was on my paper route. It was not human. It was really weird looking. It picked up the newspaper by the door. Starber was barking, but it didn't look at us." Rex whispered, "TB, can I go with you tomorrow morning on your paper route? I want to see this weird thing." Tibby continued dreaming. Rex and Tibby go to the mansion and the weird thing called Elock becomes their friend. It scares Fogel a class bully who picks on Tibby and Rex. Tibby's dream becomes reality as Fogel later becomes their friend learning with them a big secret. Can you keep their secret?.

You have finished reading a small part of Chapters 1 through chapter 3. The book is filled with adventure and excitement. for everyone. ..

Discover Tibby, Rex, Fogel, Starber Elock, Roscoe, Coley, and Darnell Mprcort as Tibby's dream starts to become reality. Stay tuned for our sequel coming in 2015, titled- Hunting Elock.

Welcome, hi, I am Carl Kegerreis and thank you for taking your time to learn about my book- Tibby And His Friend's Big Secret. A great book for children and adults who love animals. After chapter 17, there is an additional 5 blank pages for the reader to use their imagination, to draw, color the characters, the buildings, and compare their pictures with their friends, but remember you must keep the big secret.

More information about the Author:

Before retirement Carl kegerreis had been President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Police Association and President of the Indiana and Ohio Railroad Police Association. A member of the Ohio Chiefs of Police. and a member of the Lucas County, Seneca County, Shelby County,and Wood County Sheriff Associations in Ohio.


About the Author

Carl Kegerreis

About the Author: Carl Kegerreis attended Ball State University and was drafted into the Army his junior year. He trained Army sentry dogs and a German shepherd police dog for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, achieving the position of Division Chief and retiring after 34 years. Kegerreis lives in Ohio with Sandra, his wife of 47 years. They have three children and five grandchildren.

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