Marlena Brown is a native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma She is the owner of a small production company, Inspired Unique Productions (IUP). Over the past 20 years she has written and directed theatrical productions for several churches. She is also the creator of the Three Princesses, and the author of the book series. Three Princesses, Three Princesses:Powers and Gift Revealed, Three Princesses:Battle with the Electronic Technology (gods). She is also the author of The Broken Rule, and writer of a variety of music and poetry. In 2012, she decided to take her writings outside the church to a broader audience, where she wrote, acted, and co-directed in the theatrical production, Family Secrets:Counterfeit Life, which received great reviews from the public. By popular demand, this theatrical production was also performed again in 2019. Through her stories, she hopes to connect with the readers, and prays that they are inspired by her creative writings.
Three Princesses
by Marlena Brown-Holcomb

Three Princesses
by Marlena Brown-Holcomb
Published Jul 09, 2015
40 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
Book Details
A true princess’ character shines brighter than her outer appearance.
King Mikah and Queen Allonah, well respected royalty in the City of Paradise, made it their duty and privilege to show respect and serve communities of all humanity. They assumed their three daughters would follow in their footsteps; however, after years of observation, realized they were behaving as selfish, spoiled, and unappreciative young princesses. This behavior was extremely contrary to how they’d been raised. The king and queen decided to send them on a vacation to Africa in hopes to teach them the true meaning of royalty. The princesses were excited about their vacation, until they arrived in Africa and discovered it wasn’t the type of vacation they’d imagined.