"Dust" and Other Poems

by Thomas Noel Smith


Book Details

A compilation of contemporary poetry by Thomas Noel Smith

The works in "Dust" and Other Poems are a collection of works that address the human condition, from our origins to our movement and development through time. Some of the works are heartwarming. Some are disquieting. Each poem attempts to engage the mind, touch the heart, and invigorate the spirit. Poetry is the music of life that sings of where we've been and inspires us to reach for a sense of perfection in our lives that we can achieve.


About the Author

Thomas Noel Smith

Thomas Noel Smith is a poet and a writer of short stories. He has a degree in English and a degree in Theatre. In addition, he is currently a film actor in Florida. He has also worked as a professional circus clown and a magician.

Also by Thomas Noel Smith

Words of the Times
Impressions and Memories
Pirouettes in the Moonlight
Tales of Charm, Balderdash, and Yarns Somewhere In Between
Twilight Dreams and Musings


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