The Yellow Mystery Bucket

by Tank Nelson


Book Details

A fun, imaginative story of children interacting with nature.

The Yellow Mystery Bucket is a wonderful story to share with children to inspire imagination. The story centers around two squirrels who want to join a team of forest detectives led by a bear who is king of the forest. The bear gives the squirrels a trial assignment to see if they can find out the story behind The Yellow Mystery Bucket he has been hearing about. As the squirrels seek to solve the mystery they encounter a young brother and sister who represent their community as ambassadors to the forest they live near and enjoy.


About the Author

Tank Nelson

Since the early 1980’s Tank Nelson has told bedtime stories to his children and grandchildren. The stories were designed to inspire creative imagination and relaxation at bedtime. Tank is a retired educator, a father of two and grandfather of five. Tank Nelson has now chosen to offer one of his favorite stories for you to share with your children, grandchildren and students.