The World's Most Haunted Sites

by John Graham Bell


Book Details

Visit The World’s Most Haunted Sites

The World’s Most Haunted Sites explores the history, legends, and ghostly happenings at the world’s most fascinating spectral landmarks. While researching this book, Mr. Bell visited more than 200 ghostly points of interest to find those which seemed the most authentically haunted. He interviewed historians, psychics, ghost-hunters and hundreds of people who believe they have encountered supernatural activity. This book includes the following chapters:

• The Tower of London, called “the most haunted site in the world”
• Gettysburg, called “the most haunted site in North America”
• The Port Arthur Historic Site, called “the most haunted site in Australia”
• The Myrtles, called “the most haunted house in America”
• New Orleans, called “the most haunted city in the United States”


About the Author

John Graham Bell

Mr. Bell grew up in the Boston area and currently resides in Virginia.