Book Details

Journey from Fantasy through Reality

This adventure begins in a fantasyland where you will run into witches and goblins. Once you escape creatures of the dark, you’ll meet a Princess who is trapped in a castle and a boy who we all know very well. When you think the fairytale is over, the voice we hear inside of us will whisper words that may help us regain a true sense of hope. We end this journey in a world that falls between fantasy and reality. The only way to tell these worlds apart is by choosing what our hearts tell us to believe in regardless, of what people say.


About the Author

Karen Elisa

As a writer, I enjoy coming up with an idea and not knowing where that idea is going to take me. Most poems I write come from an idea that I am very conscious about, but end up telling a story about something I had not foreseen.

Also by Karen Elisa

When Angels Speak They Say…
The Night We Met