The Truth Don’t Offend

Open Your Eyes

by Sharika Beckham


Book Details

Would You Have Loved Me If I Was A Drug

Lifestyles are by choice, the children are our voice; UN masks yourselves so that you may tell. We as a people that are made up into so many elements, All decisions have consequences good or bad which indeed are relevant. Fast money has no value when it sacrifices life for wealth. Drugs, gangs and war enticed by fame only lead to one door. Sexual abuse is not just a word it’s a sickness and a disease. Incest and Molestation is UN moral and UN ethical and not acceptable. Education is power and knowledge is the key. It’s better to be alone and fight for what you believe is right then to join into temptation that will lead you into the Hell fire. I realize now that I am older the thoughts that would go through the minds of the adults we were raised by at the times in life when they were at their lowest points. Flash backs of memorable hardships was more difficult than the average person could comprehend. Now I can understand and comprehend as my eyes are no longer blinded by the deceptions an UN awareness as I remember when I was a child knowing and seeing these things for myself makes it even harder now because I was a child surrounded by all that damage. That is why I took the time to take you on this journey to understand the reason for me writing this book.


About the Author

Sharika Beckham

Sharika Beckham is known for her interludes and poetic inserts. With all of her hard work and dedication she is now a rising author with the potential of becoming one of many great best selling authors, entrepreneurs and a remarkable success story.