The Truth About Melissa

A Soul Mate Experiment

by Lisa Mayme Corbit


Book Details

“You’re an author. Make her up.”

When challenged by his family to create his ideal soul mate, Jonathan becomes consumed with the process of composing her life story. He writes letters to her and even the replies. He imagines her in every detail. She is his soul mate; she is his Melissa. Years later, frustrated his fictional woman has not come into his life, he writes Melissa one last letter – the breakup. Then…Lisa. Focused on her schooling, but at the same time yearning for the comfort and security of a committed relationship, Lisa is unaware of the soul mate experiment. Yet, as she spends more time with Jonathan, she becomes aware there is ‘someone else.’ Before long, Jonathan must introduce Lisa to Melissa. The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment is the novelized experience of the power of manifested creativity and the culmination of what happens when that creation unites with reality.


About the Author

Lisa Mayme Corbit

Lisa Mayme Corbit taught secondary English in the US, the UAE, and Paraguay before she decided, at forty-five, to become a writer. The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment is her first novel. She lives in the Pacific Northwest.