The Song of Lei Anne and Other Poetic Stirrings

by Doug Allen


Book Details

If it could be comparable to music, the chorus of our lives through time might be termed an evolving sound whose tonal harmonies clash as often as they align. So it is with reconciling our own destinies and far greater that of the world. In ‘The Song of Lei Anne’ poetic verses and stories are utilized to explore some of the boundaries between life, love, death and the mystical truths we seek along the often tortured pathways sought to uncover those answers. Is fate itself the final determiner, or do we ourselves have the power to alter its verdict? ‘The Song of Lei Anne and Other Poetic Stirrings’ does not judge it but would have the reader explore in a deeper sense the value of what has gone before us and what lessons we still have time to learn.


About the Author

Doug Allen

Doug was born in Springfield Mass. He moved to Rockland County NY at age 13. Graduated from Manhattans School of Visual Arts with a BFA degree in media arts and Illustration. He later followed his late stepfathers path to study Opticianry and became a licensed Optician, which he practices today. Throughout his life Doug nurtured and sustained an avid interest in Art, music and Literature as well as politics, History and popular culture. Doug sees our world as both a model of dizzying achievement and irretrievably lost opportunities to have formed a better one in the thousands of years past. The urge to write in mostly poetic verse was born of having long appreciated the unique way that so many of the great poets used pen on paper to record and put a literarily rhythmic pulse to the written word and meaning. Somehow, when trying to convey the battle between evil versus good or ignorance versus enlightenment as only two examples, the poet utilizes a pathway that makes for a most receptive tone when the reader is absorbing the reflections in rhythmic verse. It is the hope of the author that the writings within strike a chord in the reader and perhaps help in their own way to stir the muse within to seek to write and share alike as it is our opportunity to do so and in that creative effort contribute once more something to this battered cynical world what is in the heart of the poet. Doug currently resides in New Jersey; he authored a previous book of paranormal fiction.