The Shadow of Trepidation

Reflections on Caregiving During My Wife’s Battle with Breast Cancer

by Keith T. Hardeman

The Shadow of Trepidation

The Shadow of Trepidation

Reflections on Caregiving During My Wife’s Battle with Breast Cancer

by Keith T. Hardeman

Published Oct 25, 2020
157 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / General


Book Details

“An important read that belongs on the nightstands of cancer fighters and caregivers everywhere. Professor Hardeman goes beyond common tropes and trite platitudes to offer an intimate, unsanitized look at the suffering, uncertainty, and resilience that he and his wife Shelley experienced as her cancer invaded their lives. This honest portrayal, punctuated with plenty of wry wit, contains valuable insights and practical suggestions that are helping me to cope with the same dreaded disease. My only complaint with this book is that it didn’t exist when I was diagnosed.”
~ Heather Gehlert, senior communication manager, Berkeley Media Studies Group

From diagnosis to the impacts of treatment, The Shadow of Trepidation sheds valuable light on the twists and turns of cancer and comfortably addresses sensitive cancer issues. The book also provides understandable medical explanations, experiential wisdom, and offers numerous caregiving tips with vital interpersonal communication strategies for families navigating their own cancer fights.


About the Author

Keith T. Hardeman

Professor Keith Hardeman is a cancer caregiver, longtime cancer activist, and relationship communication scholar. He has authored caregiving articles in Coping® with Cancer magazine and is a member of the Cancer Action Network through the American Cancer Society. He’s also a multi-award-winningprofessor of communication studies at Westminster College.

Also by Keith T. Hardeman

Don't say "Everything happens for a reason"