The Rod of Iron

The Gates of Eden Trilogy

by Richard Douglas Bouslough


Book Details

And He Will Rule With The Rod Of Iron Until The End of Days

When I was a man, I spoke like a man, I thought like a man, I reasoned like a man; When He gave me immortal parentage, I gave up the Childish ways of men. Old things passed away. All things became new. Yet remain these three, faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is Love. Favorite verses paraphrased by Doc Forrester "Here he reigns with the rod of iron. Only the collective remnant knew the whole truth, that his love overlaid justice with mercy, responsibility with grace, the scepter of righteousness with the shepherd's staff. It's an imposed peace of delicate balance. Most of mankind who remain mortal believe this authority is only temporary. Yet, even those who fight within their spirits acknowledge his right to Lordship. The time is not yet fulfilled for final accounts to be settled. In the meanwhile, the truths of immortality with him far surpass everything I knew before."


About the Author

Richard Douglas Bouslough

Richard Bouslough holds honors credentials from Cal Poly University in California from studies in the physical sciences and information systems. A Master of Divinity degree in theology from Denver Seminary in Colorado complements ongoing studies in Practical Eschatology. This work forms the basis for mining rich veins of truth in the Gates Of Eden trilogy. Currently, "Uncle Bos" (one of many nicknames earned while leading FreeWheeling bicycle camping tours for high school students) works with Forest Home Ministries in the San Bernardino Mountains specializing in Computer Systems and networking support. He continues to teach and speak the truths discovered along his path. This flavors both his science and theology with a stylish easy comfort. Richard resides in Yucaipa, California with his cherished wife Claudia, a Marriage and Family Therapist, along with their two very personable canine companions, Kenna and Piere.

Also by Richard Douglas Bouslough

Gates of Eden