A Reflection on Life Through Poetry

Mindful Moments Journal

by Theresa A. Bailey, MA, HS-BCP

A Reflection on Life Through Poetry

A Reflection on Life Through Poetry

Mindful Moments Journal

by Theresa A. Bailey, MA, HS-BCP

Published May 30, 2019
138 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Mindfulness & Meditation


Book Details

Change your mind, change your behavior, change your life

Readers say:
- Thought provoking poems and reflections on life!
- Simple yet profound!
- In light of everything going on in the world, I read your book again and said Amen!
- Thanks for presenting the diversity of pro-life issues!

Baby Toes
…. A wondrous commentary on how beautiful creation is, such a little thing can make a soul sing …
Can We Love Again
….. Those people we saw, transformed into things, inanimate objects, to be used, unlike me, unlike you, unlike God’s image
Femininity Sighs
A moan of a new song must awake from within your bruised skin of love learned wrong ……
Sweet Brown Sons
Let him go, play, and grow here as the others do, we thought and said, little did we know so many brown sons would end up dead, just trying to breathe ……


Book Excerpt

Often times I wonder, on topics underneath the moon, the night’s sky so dimly bright about stuff of seemingly unimportant strands pondering for pondering sake on the little things in life, all so unique, everything has a footprint, an identification of perceptibility; one from another .... a voice calling from itself to an all perceiving God, No matter how small, how mundane - still heard, noticed and counted as worthy. Underneath the moon, God hears even the sparrow’s small call


About the Author

Theresa A. Bailey, MA, HS-BCP

Theresa is a mother of three adult children, a wife, and business owner. She and her husband Rahn K. Bailey, MD, work together at Bailey Psychiatric Associates. Theresa is a Life Coach, Mental Health Educator, and forensic behavioral science consultant. Email address: theresa@baileypsych.com