With B.A. and Master’s degrees in History and Social Sciences, Chuck is a Who’s Who award-winning teacher for over 40 years in private and public education, churches, and a layman’s Bible College. Married to Norma for 42 years and a father of two, he is also a political activist and drummer.
The Rapture: A Love Story
by Chuck Mummert

The Rapture: A Love Story
by Chuck Mummert
Published Aug 17, 2015
166 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Prophecy
Book Details
A Christian car bumper sticker states: WARNING! THE DRIVER OF THIS VEHICLE COULD DISAPPEAR AT ANY MOMENT! What instantaneous chaos and tribulation would immediately occur if this happened a million-fold—worldwide? “Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they did not know the time of his [first] visitation. “The Jewish people looked forward earnestly to their Messiah’s coming; they had read dozens of prophetic verses concerning this crucial prophetic event, yet many—no, most—missed it when it happened. Jesus and his disciples spoke several dozen Scriptures concerning His next visitation, but how many do we know? Everyone needs to explore and embrace Christ’s words, admonitions, and warnings—and prepare for the Rapture. These Scriptures are now presented in a uniquely organized, comprehensive, and enlightening way that only an award-winning teacher can do. An outstanding feature is that it emphasizes every one of the many qualities or characteristics given in Scripture of those who will be “taken” or “caught up” in the Rapture. The unique organizational approach makes it excellent for discussion groups. Every basic question--the what, how, where, why, when and who has been answered. Fifty discussion questions are included that can be used for further review, consideration, and reflection. The following questions exemplify the depth of this book's topic: What is the Rapture? Why will God want--no, need to rapture the Church? What are several differences between the Rapture and Christ's Second Coming? What two Old Testament men were caught up into heaven and never experienced death? What can Noah and Abraham teach us about the Rapture? Who are the Bridegroom and the Bride mentioned quite often in Scripture? What immediately happens to the physical bodies of believers who are raptured? Can we know when this much-debated event will occur? Why has there been a delay in this event? What events will happen to the Church once they are "caught up" into heaven? What did Christ say about understanding the signs of the times, our Noah-like end time analogy, and Israel--the parable of the fig tree. What does the "thief in the night" scenario exemplify to us? What can we learn from Jewish (Eastern culture) wedding customs, and how does it increase our understanding of the Rapture? What spectacular and magnificent event do you have an open invitation to--if you would only accept and prepare for it? What does the key command word "watch" really teach us? Why are we to have the watchful mentality of soldiers? Most importantly, WHO will be raptured? Why does Scripture say several times that only one of two will be taken or five wise virgins out of ten? Why is the parable of the excuses so pertinent to us today? While greatly expanding our understanding, this book will challenge normal thinking on this topic, and it certainly will illuminate this event in the heart of every reader. There are many precious nuggets and gems for everyone to contemplate and reflect on; pastors and Bible study leaders can glean dozens of teachings to share at their gatherings. It's a must-read for every Christian and skeptic alike since this prophetic event lies immediately in the near future and it will affect us all. And wait! You'll have to read this powerful book to see how and why the "love story" aspect is woven into the essence of this event called the Rapture.