Book Details

“Faith comes before understanding.” St. Anselm

Can I trust the Bible? Is Scripture relevant to modern times? Is it composed of legends and myths? In the 21st Century questions like these abound in colleges, seminaries and publications about the Bible and its origins. While recognizing the high emotions raised by various answers to these questions, this book seeks to reason out what the Bible indicates about its origins and why it is a dependable source for addressing the problems of life. From the theory undermining trust in the Bible called the Documentary Hypothesis to the inept defense of the Bible in “The Fundamentals” arguments over the authorship of the Pentateuch are examined and evaluated. The author then presents an arresting new theory of sources Moses used in writing Genesis, and help he could have had with compiling the books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.


About the Author

David A. Bell

A former Green Beret, the author is a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church. He has served parishes in South Carolina, West Virginia and Tennessee for the 39 years of his ministry, while researching and writing the book. Residing in Greenback, TN, with his wife, Vickie, he enjoys sporting clays, Bible study and chess.