Book Details

“There are no limits, boundaries or barriers in God’s LOVE!!!”

“The Love of The Father” has a way of transforming the wickedest of sinners into saints, the unlovable to be loved, the bitter to become sweet, the lonely to be comforted, the outcasts to be accepted while shaping all of us to become images of Him. The message of the Love of God is missing in many institutions due to a quest for power and authority. Love was removed from education, government and even some houses of worship. It is imperative that we get back to that which brought us this far, that being Christ’s genuine, sincere, forgiving and unconditional love. Man must repent and return to God. We must recognize that the greatest gift we have is the love of God being given freely and without cost. As you read this brief account of the many facets of love demonstrated in scripture and through my personal experiences, I hope it will encourage you to draw near to God and focus on His unending love.


About the Author

Vernon Tubbs

After serving in ministry for 13 years, God led me to begin a ministry in which He has led me through every phase some 25 years later. His love has been evident through health challenges, divorce, destructive hurricanes and flooding. By Him choosing me to write this book, in spite of my frailties, let’s me know that He is a faithful Covenant keeper. Now I know that “Nothing can separate me from the love of God.”