The Heartfelt Medium

Guide to Developing Your Mediumship Naturally

by Rachelle Gehman

The Heartfelt Medium

The Heartfelt Medium

Guide to Developing Your Mediumship Naturally

by Rachelle Gehman

Published Aug 07, 2020
115 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Channeling & Mediumship


Book Details


We are all born to connect with spirit naturally, to help guide us on our journey of life. We all have this ability to connect and receive information. It’s about learning how spirit speaks to us and develop our own spiritual language with spirit. The Heartfelt Medium de-mystifies psychic mediumship and will empower you to establish your own relationship with spirit, while learning your own unique spiritual language.


About the Author

Rachelle Gehman

Rachelle Gehman, is a psychic medium, Speaker, teacher, healer and counselor that has taught countless students on how to connect with spirit, and empower them to develop their own natural gifts. She counsels individuals in need and provides evidence based readings for her clients. Rachelle has worked as a psychic medium for over 10+ years, and still sees clients regularly. As a niece of World Renowned Psychic Medium, Reverend Anne Gehman, Rachelle was mentored by her aunt at a young age to utilize her gifts naturally. Rachelle spent over 30 years in business development, helping clients with custom services, strategies and solutions to bring new concepts to market. After watching the business climate of acquisitions, and changes in corporate social responsibility, her passion grew to impact change by guiding business professionals to consider adding a spiritual component to their daily lives. In service, Rachelle strives remain humble and honored, with the highest ethics, to serve everyone seeking spirit guidance and wisdom. Through her work, she shares her life experiences and insights to help others, to open their hearts, and gain their own connection with spirit. Through honesty, integrity, and unconditional love, it is Rachelle’s hope to augment your path toward healing and finding peace, and true joy.



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