The Health Puzzle

A Scientist's Dilemma

by Dr. R. L. Coleman, Phd, DNH


Book Details

Health or disease...which do you want?

The Health Puzzle presents health and disease information that will first fill you with knowledge and then with the means to live in health. The disease industry profits from sick and diseased humans. Their efforts to profit from your diseases began in your infancy and continues today. You, and only you, can put an end to this awful tyranny. Do it first for yourself and then for all those that you love and care about.


Book Excerpt

By the editor, Victoria Bidwell:
The dilemma of which Dr. Coleman so clearly writes in The Health Puzzle is not only the dilemma of choosing between the medical mentality and the alternative health care systems, but the dilemma of once the choice is made in favor of the alternative routes, which of those routes is the best? First, let Dr. Coleman's book educate you on the truth--that the medical mentality is false, wickedly false. Then let his book educate you as to which of the alternative health care systems is THE SUPERLATIVE. You will find that SUPERLATIVE is Orthopathy, in Natural Hygiene...


About the Author

Dr. R. L. Coleman, Phd, DNH

Dr. R. L. Coleman, PhD, DNH is a scientist. He graduated at the top of his high school class and was listed among the top 10 students in the state of Ohio. To this he has added a BS, an MS, a PhD (Chemistry/cancer research), and a second doctorate, the DNH (Orthopathy/Orthotrophy). His goal is to present the public with the unbiased health and disease truth. This offering, The Health Puzzle, is to be followed by the Health Puzzle Pieces, and finally the Health Puzzle Solved.



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