The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge

Words of Faith, Reflections and Inspiration for Mothers of Special Needs Children and Other Moms

by Norma F. Stanley

The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge

The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge

Words of Faith, Reflections and Inspiration for Mothers of Special Needs Children and Other Moms

by Norma F. Stanley

Published Apr 15, 2007
164 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational


Book Details

Words of faith, reflections and inspiration for mothers of special needs children....and those who love them.

"The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge," is a powerful book sharing reflections of a few mothers, representing millions, who were given the added challenge of raising physically and/or mentally challenged children.

This inspirational and heartwarming story shares how some women facing this challenge, work to hold on to their sanity, sensitivity and sense of self, even while lovingly determined to win the battle of their lives--the mental and physical development of their children.

The life changing lessons within are ones from which we can all benefit, as we find out why "The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge," is a must read for anyone, especially mothers with special needs children...and those who love them.

Contact Norma Stanley at 404/451-1811 or


About the Author

Norma F. Stanley

Norma Stanley, is an award-winning public relations and diversity marketing consultant, assisting high profile companies in meeting their multicultural consumer marketing objectives, including reaching the growing disability community.

The impetus for writing "The Elected Lady--Finding Victory in the Challenge," was the birth of her daughter born with physical and mental challenges.

The purpose of this unique story, is to share with women everywhere, but particularly mothers like herself, that they can love their children--special needs or not--without losing themselves in the process.

An entrepreneur, journalist, singer/songwriter and now author, Norma is proving that she is an "Elected Lady--Finding Victory In The Challenge" and if she can do it, so can they.