The Downfall of Education -- Who's at Fault

The Regeneration of Education-Why and How

by Cynthia Waddell Underwood

The Downfall of Education -- Who's at Fault

The Downfall of Education -- Who's at Fault

The Regeneration of Education-Why and How

by Cynthia Waddell Underwood

Published Sep 08, 2019
293 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / School Safety


Book Details

How to better inspire, protect, equip and prepare students to learn—let’s regenerate education!!!

It’s time for education to once again be on the rise; How better to inspire, protect, equip, and prepare students to learn. Setting order or standards for arriving at this destiny is essential. We are sure to eliminate stupidity and accelerate in education by using positive task forces and armor essentials that you will read about in my book, The Downfall of Education, Who’s at Fault. Solutions for improving education and worldly conditions are: The implementation of Armor Essentials, the use of Apprehensible Plans, along with the determination and the desire of individuals to make this a better world. This book encourages individuals to apply Bible teachings to everyday life. It was written with strong beliefs in righteous living according to the Word (Bible). The information gives insight on family, education, spiritual growth, future spiritual leadership roles, obedience and personal maturity. It has much to offer the reader. This book was designed to enrich the mind; not only in education but all aspects of life. Do not be deprived of a wonderful nourishing journey. You are guaranteed the reward of a specified benefit through the enlightenment of gaining knowledge and understanding as to how and why education and society need to be regenerated. This book is designed for the eyes and ears of students, teachers, parents, politicians, preachers, musicians, the media and all individuals. More importantly, it explains how to pull together in unison using positive task forces and armor essentials as the solution for improving education and worldly conditions. So let us dazzle the intellect in order to help bring about something positive.


About the Author

Cynthia Waddell Underwood

Cynthia worked as an educator for 23 years, CNA 1 year and she was an Entrepreneur of a small business for 10 years. She now spends much of her time working as a caregiver for a wonderful 92 year old female. She finds life fascinating when researching and observing the changes in individuals from beginning of life to end. Cynthia began writing this book in 1998 and days and months went by each year with her not working for completion but it stayed on her mind each day. This book brings out her thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about education and why it is deteriorating. Findings are conclusive from research, observations, interviews and work experience. Cynthia felt qualified to write this book based on years of experience as teacher, parent and grandparent. She has knowledge and understanding of children, society and school systems. She has great admiration for tranquility, improvement in values education and education as a whole. For Cynthia, delivering quality service for all individuals should be the top priority in learning. Therefore; proficiency in the education arena is of extreme importance.



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