Tina Liccioni and Gloria Velazquez have been teaching ESL and bilingual children for over 13 years. They look forward to visiting your school and sharing this book with students,teachers, and parents.
The Clownfish/El Pez Payaso
An English/Spanish Bilingual Book
by Written by: Tina Liccioni Translations by: Gloria Velazquez
The Clownfish/El Pez Payaso
An English/Spanish Bilingual Book
by Written by: Tina Liccioni Translations by: Gloria Velazquez
Published Mar 29, 2013
36 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Animals / Marine Life
Book Details
The Clownfish
El Pez Payaso es un libro literario de la literatura no-ficcion para niños de edades 4-8. Este libro es diferente de otros libros bilingües porque las traducciones no están en la misma página. Por lo tanto, el lector puede disfrutar de ambos, el inglés o versión en español separadamente. ¿Sabia usted que los huevos de un pez payaso son todos machos cuándo salen del huevo? Aprenda este y otros hechos interesantes del pez payaso incluyendo: apariencia, el hábitat, la dieta, y el tamaño, leyendo este libro.
The Clownfish is a literary non-fiction book for children ages 4-8. It is unlike other bilingual books because the translations are not on the same page. Therefor, the reader can enjoy both, the English or Spanish version separately. Did you know that a clownfish's eggs are all male when they hatch? Learn this and other interesting clownfish facts including: appearance, habitat, diet, and size, by reading this book.