Taoist Revolution

How to obtain the ideal weight, increase the measures of your penis, of your breasts and of your muscles, gain control of your menstruation and ovulation, reach sexual ecstasy with your partner and use all this to improve spiritually.

by Sun Ai You

Taoist Revolution

Taoist Revolution

How to obtain the ideal weight, increase the measures of your penis, of your breasts and of your muscles, gain control of your menstruation and ovulation, reach sexual ecstasy with your partner and use all this to improve spiritually.

by Sun Ai You

Published Jun 15, 2016
501 Pages
Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Sexuality


Book Details

Author Sun Ai You spent 40 years in the pursuit of a lifelong goal: health, happiness, and perfection. He walked many Western and Eastern spiritual paths along his journey, and in the end had to create his own, integrating many experiences on the basis of Taoism. Experience this unique worldview in Taoist Revolution. Sun Ai You’s new Taoism, in which body and soul are one, includes practices to obtain unity and happiness, most of them taken from old Taoism but with a modern twist. Some of these practices are completely new, invented by the author to help the modern man deal with this extraordinary world. Learn how to achieve the ideal weight and long life, reach sexual ecstasy, heal and defend yourself and your partner, and so much more with this groundbreaking new spiritual path!


Book Excerpt

Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Little Bit of Personal History: Descent........1 Chapter 2: A Little Bit of Personal History: Ascent........19 Chapter 3: Opposites?.....................................................26 Chapter 4: Couple? Homosexuality? Promiscuity?........47 Chapter 5: Men and Wealth............................................55 Chapter 6: Iniaculation....................................................73 Chapter 7: Foreplay.........................................................83 Chapter 8: Increase Penis Size........................................90 Chapter 9: Increase the Size of the Tongue...................108 Chapter 10: Increase Penis and Tongue Size Altogether..................................................120 Chapter 11: The Deer Exercise for Men.......................123 Chapter 12: The Cleaning of the Anus and the Prostatic Massage......................................135 Chapter 13: Control Your Breast Size and Menstruation – The Deer Exercise for Women......................................................143 Chapter 14: The Series of Ten and the Superior Orgasm......................................................160 Chapter 15: The Dance of the Eight Winds..................172 Chapter 16: The Adoration of the Sun..........................203 Chapter 17: Improve Your Fellatio...............................213 Chapter 18: The Turtle and the Crane...........................221 Chapter 19: The Advanced Deer...................................233 Chapter 20: My Basic Exercise – The Bonobo.............242 Chapter 21: Sex as Prayer.............................................258 Chapter 22: The Tao for Women...................................261 Chapter 23: Sex as Therapy – Positions.......................268 Chapter 24: Tuina and the Meridian Meditation...........285 Chapter 25: Increase Your Musculature – Vibrant Technique..................................................319 Chapter 26: My Taoism and Nutrition..........................352 Chapter 27: More Muscle, Less Fat – The Seven Weapons of (Fat) Mass Destruction and the Protao Diet....................................365 Chapter 28: Joy Tai Ji Quan and the Way of the Warrior......................................................415 Chapter 29: The Dawn of Self-Sufficiency...................428 Chapter 30: A Few Simple Guidelines to Follow the Tao: FAQ.............................................431 Chapter 31: Notes.........................................................453 TO BEGIN WITH... Everything that you find in this book could be wrong. This is something I wanted to write on the last page, but then I thought it would be more honest to put it here, at the beginning. This is a warning for all my readers who are used to hearing words like these: “Believe me: what I tell you is the truth!” Many people told me that this behavior is pretty strange for an author and that all readers would close the book after they read this statement of mine, never to open it again. And they added that their behavior was perfectly normal. But this is not a book for perfectly normal people, and so I decided to take my chances. Certainly I have written all these things, thinking that they are the closest thing to the truth that I have found in all my years of searching. But I can’t tell you that I am absolutely certain that what I tell you is the truth. Furthermore, many times in the past I was absolutely sure that the path I was walking was the right one, because I chose it between many alternatives and after a long period of testing, but, at the end, I decided it was all a mistake. And I changed my mind....... INTRODUCTION This book has been very important to me. In it, I tried to summarize all my life. It has been a wonderful life. And even if for many years I lived in a kind of maze and many times I felt so hopeless to wish to die, today all that suffering has a meaning: becoming an expert in mazes and maybe helping others, or at least trying. I thank from the depths of my heart everyone and everything that has accompanied me during my journey, even if they were part of the maze and gained from my sufferings: I forgive them, also because maybe in the past I did the same. And as a master of mine said, isn’t the spider itself, waiting all its life for a distracted fly to kill, trapped in its own web? Hasn’t it helped the fly to become what it is now? By sharing my experiences with you, I hope to help you, dear friends, avoid some “webs,” some mistakes that were very painful to me. Or at least shorten your “maze” phase, if you are living one..... CHAPTER 1: A LITTLE BIT OF PERSONAL HISTORY: DESCENT ......You have probably been attracted by the title of this book but you also were a little bit shocked. I think this is because we are accustomed to a certain way of thinking that was placed in our minds for many thousands of years. According to this way of thinking, if persons want to pursue a spiritual path and improve their level of consciousness, they should be: poor, ugly, sick, sex-free, and especially unhappy in this earthly life. If it is not like this already, supposedly it will happen after we begin following the spiritual path. And to complete this stereotype, the lucky guys should die very young, completely consumed by their search. I believed all this for many, many years, but then I changed my mind. After all I wasn’t rich, but I wasn’t poor either. I wasn’t ugly (at that age it’s almost impossible). I was suffering from many little discomforts, but I wasn’t a really sick person. The sexual impulse had been very strong in me since the beginning of my life. And for many people who knew me well enough, I was a happy guy. So I really didn’t qualify for that path of mortification. In fact, in all those paths that I walked in those years, there was something wrong, something that didn’t sound right. All of them had that strong common foundation: pleasure is bad, pain is good. “No pain, no gain,” it is said...... CHAPTER 3: OPPOSITES? ...What are these simple things I am referring to? These fundamentals I see in almost every part of the world? What ideas dominate silently almost every one of our actions? I will try to explain my point of view, with a little humor and maybe a bit of exaggeration. But I hope you will understand. In the mind of humanity, heaven is a place where we will all sing in harmony and play the harp, while in hell there are naked women or sex and drugs and rock and roll. And so this creates a sense of confusion where we don’t understand anymore if paradise is connected with pain or with pleasure. “Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is free and the girls are pretty, oh please take me home.” Can you see the contradiction? People think that the madrigals will take your soul up, while heavy metal will take your soul down. “I’m on a highway to hell!” In heaven you breathe light air and drink ambrosia, but in hell you get drunk and stoned with smoke. The Devil makes you rich, while God wants you to be poor. The way to hell goes through pleasure, wealth, orgies, luxury, power. The way to heaven goes through pain, poverty, chastity, obedience, self-annihilation. I am not talking about what religions teach men, I am referring to what is living inside of our soul, without us knowing it, and ruling almost every action. According to my observations, this occult power is living inside of us, even in people who are not religious at all and even openly against every form or religion. I think that this feeling of guilt and sin inside of us made two powerful allies: the sense of duty and our desire to search for perfection. In our collective mind, when these three allies work together, the body is seen as a trap for the soul, a graveyard (somasema). And also this body is a tempter with the pleasures it brings, pleasures the soul cannot resist. So it’s better to close this door from the beginning, close the door to pleasures and open it to salvation, before getting drowned in it. Anathema on you if you open the door to pleasures: hell is granted. Well, the Tao that I have found is completely different. Their theory is quite simple. What is the thing or the phenomenon that makes a human being grow spiritually, reach a higher level of consciousness, and develop his/her possibilities? The energy that is stored in a place close to the base of the vertebral column, when it goes up and up, until it reaches the top of the head. Then you will become a god. You can try to obtain this goal in many different ways, and someday every being will reach that goal. But Taoism is the shortest and easiest way possible. It is like a shortcut that you can take if you’re tired of going from one life to another in the long, painful path. During an orgasm, this energy is pushed up strongly inside its channel. And so sexual activity is very important for spiritual development. There are certain rules that must be followed if we want to push the energy up, but it’s a very easy path, compared with the others. Sure, in Taoism sex is always seen combined with friendship, respect, admiration, care, gratitude. Even more profoundly than what we might think, because the partner allows us to fulfill a very important part of our spiritual path. This does not mean that you can’t follow this path if you are alone, temporarily or on a permanent basis..... CHAPTER 28: JOY TAI JI QUAN AND THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR It seems strange to me, after so many pages of soft and gentle words, talking of the “way of the warrior.” I always felt this attraction toward this world of martial arts, but I have never been able to find a master who was strong in combat but gentle in life. I followed masters from all over the world, even from China, where kung fu and all these arts were born centuries ago. In the end I tried to take the good where I had found it, and mix the best of everything. But first I had to overcome the idea that if you follow a spiritual path, or you are simply a gentle person, you should avoid any kind of violence. After forty years of confusion, troubled between these two attractions, I finally realized that the use of violence in self-defense or to protect the weak, if you want to follow a spiritual search, is not only permitted: it is necessary! The main fact is to limit your reaction to avoid damage first to yourself or to the ones you are protecting, then to the offender. There are two opposite realities in nature: prey and predator. One is the attacker, the other is the victim. We humans are tempted to do the same as with sex: those who are perfectly at ease with this world and its violence tend to be predators. Those who try to become better and want to improve tend to be victims. But there is something in the middle: a wellarmed gentle person who doesn’t attack but defends him/ herself and the weak....


About the Author

Sun Ai You

First a normal education in a western environment, then the search. Looking for masters everywhere, following paths with all his heart: disappointment. Then solitary life in the mountains for 10 years, learning survival and searching by his own. Finally the taoist path and the integration of his past knowledges in it, to create a new way for the modern human being.