Tales of Little Bear and Little Buffalo

by Roy Naquin

Tales of Little Bear and Little Buffalo

Tales of Little Bear and Little Buffalo

by Roy Naquin

Published Apr 27, 2011
78 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Biography & Autobiography / Cultural, Ethnic & Regional


Book Details

Adventures in the Wilderness!

Little Bear is a boy whose curiosity is matched only by his daring. He and his cousin, Little Buffalo, grow up in a changing world where they balance tradition - like earning the right to their own dugout canoes - with innovation.in the form of a new local schoolhouse. Little Bear's father is the tribal chief, but that doesn't stop Little Bear from getting into mischief. From acts of great bravery to gestures of deep compassion, Little Bear and Little Buffalo put themselves heart and soul into every moment of their lives, with contagious joy and spontaneous wisdom. Roy Naquin's beautiful storytelling retains the clarity, cadence, and humor of these delightful family stories told to him by his father and grandfather. Tales of Little Bear and Little Buffalo is a treasure for children and adults alike.


About the Author

Roy Naquin

About the Author: Roy Naquin was born in 1944, and raised in New Orleans. He and his wife of forty-six years have four children, eight grandchildren, and a great-grandchild on the way. This is Roy's first book.