Tails from Beyond

True Stories of Our Immortal Pets

by Dr. Ann Redding


Book Details

Can pets return from death to communicate with their owners? I believe they can!

Tails from Beyond presents 47 true stories about deceased pets that do, indeed, contact their owners. There are 34 stories about dogs, 12 about cats, and one about a horse. The book includes numerous colored photographs and 10 original drawings. Tails from Beyond brings forth powerful anecdotal evidence that animals, like humans, have a soul or some form of energy consciousness which survives and exists in the afterlife. For more about the book, visit the website TailsfromBeyond.com.


Book Excerpt

About six months after my dog Girl died, I saw her again. It was a summer afternoon around five, and the sun was shining as I waited for my food outside a local taco restaurant. I turned from watching the cook and glanced toward my car, and there was Girl! She was sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for me as she always had. Her tongue was hanging out and her golden eyes were sparkling.


About the Author

Dr. Ann Redding

As a scientist, Dr. Redding was inclined to be very logical and rational. Her materialistic view of the universe served her well while she taught biology at Ventura College for 27 years. But after a series of unexpected paranormal events, her agnostic beliefs were shattered, and she was compelled to accept the reality of the soul and afterlife. Several years ago, she received what could not be denied as actual visitations from two of her deceased dogs. Being so touched by these experiences, Dr. Redding decided to honor her two dogs and beloved pets everywhere by compiling a collection of true stories from other people, who were also convinced that their deceased pets had visited them. Together with the help of Ann Campbell, Dr. Redding wrote Tails from Beyond: True Stories of Our Immortal Pets. Find out more about Dr. Redding on her website, TailsfromBeyond.com.