Sword Bearer

Seeds of a Legend

by Charles Landreth


Book Details

In a brand new Epic...

Sword Bearer is Book 1 of the Seeds of a Legend trilogy. Follow Jonran, the main character, as he escapes the cataclysmic destruction of his highly technological world and finds himself on a more primitive planet. Entering the world through a portal his body is transformed into that of an ancient race of people not seen in over a thousand years.

As he looks for a new life in this world, he befriends a skilled but questionable thief that helps him through the trials of slavery and the gladiator ring. Finally gaining his freedom, he falls in love with an Elven woman in the midst of a rebellion that splits her race. As the two escape the violence, they meet many challenges and find themselves put on a secret path by an old wizard’s apprentice. That path leads Jonran to obtain a magic sword that the apprentice hopes will save his master, who is frozen in battle with an evil invading army. That sword, combined with the crystals of the Elemental Lords, is the only hope to push back the enemy horde and save the world.


Book Excerpt

Jonran awoke on a decayed stone floor. He looked around to discover he was in some ruins of what must have been an elaborate city in ancient times. There was a stone circle before him in which he assumed was the portal entrance he was thrust through. He was covered in a thick but clear slime and was naked head to toe. He didn’t know if it was his nakedness or just insecurity but he could feel someone looking at him. He quickly gathered his bags and moved off to find a more secluded area.

Most of the city was overgrown with thick vines, brush and trees. Buildings and pillars could be found tumbled and broken on the ground in places. As he skulked through the city he could hear critters scurrying around and other larger things sinking back into the pockets of darkness that made the city look intimidating and scary. The trees and growth thinned as he moved away from the portal entrance.

He came across a small stone lined pool and decided that it would be a good place to wash off the goo and accompanying layers of dirt that had begun to adhere to it. The water was cool and very clear. He could see deep into the small pool and it appeared safe enough, so he placed his bags nearby and stepped in to begin washing. He found that his body had indeed changed. He felt stronger and more energetic. He could feel a general pulse running through his body, although he couldn’t put his finger on where that pulse came from.

After cleaning he stood to view his reflection in the water. The person looking back was familiar but a stranger at the same time. The eyes looked hard and he followed a square jaw around to slightly upturned ears. His body was more muscular and only carried a trace of the science kid he was used to seeing. He spent a few minutes lost in thought of the journey that brought him to this place and this strange body. He remembered the odd memories he had just before coming through the entrance and realized that those beings were very similar to what he looked like now. As if he had turned into another person all together, or was it returned to someone he had previously been. The thought was both disturbing and comfortable at the same time.


About the Author

Charles Landreth

Charles Landreth, a new author living in Dallas, Texas, has been a fantasy buff from an early age. First experiencing fantasy from years of Dungeons & Dragons adventures, he expanded his story telling with influences from bestselling authors such as Tad Williams, Raymond E. Feist and many more. Being an avid reader, he draws on a diverse group of styles to create The Seeds of a Legend series.

Also by Charles Landreth



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