Sullivan P. Fluffytoes Finds His Forever Home

by Angela Fischels with Illustrator Nathan Hagarty


Book Details

A Very Special Kitten

When a loving mama cat on a farm in Minnesota welcomes six new kittens, she knows that she will say goodbye to them as they are adopted by excited families. But one of the kittens is extra special—a little boy with a big purr who isn’t as physically strong as his brothers. As he watches the other kittens go to their new homes, he starts to feel alone. But one day . . . a very special person meets this very special kitten and gives him a name just as special as he is. A heartwarming delight for readers young and old, Sullivan P. Fluffytoes Finds His Forever Home is a gentle story that reinforces not only the value of seeing those who are different, but also the importance of patience and hope.