Charlie Bravo

Descent into Darkness and Danger

by Roger and Melissa Nelson


Book Details

Don't miss the hair raising tale of The Sugar Alpha Chronicles!

Roger Nelson retired from drug smuggling after the audacious and perfectly executed scam recounted in Sugar Alpha, the first part of The Sugar Alpha Chronicles. He was set financially and ready to focus on his family, and on building the best parachute center in the world. But while Roger extracted promises from the rest of his smuggling crew to retire with him, their pledges disintegrated in the deluge of cocaine cash that made reefer profits look like chump change. Several were promptly busted, exposing Roger to legal liability for his past activities that forced him to make deals with DEA and drug smugglers alike to avoid a long prison sentence. That is the world of Charlie Bravo, the second part of Roger and Melissa Nelson’s Sugar Alpha Chronicles. Sugar Alpha, the first part of the Chronicles, was a rollicking adventure tale about skydiving, reefer smuggling, loyalty and brotherhood – and pushing the limits in a dozen different ways. Charlie Bravo is a different animal. It is the story of Roger’s descent into darkness and danger and despair, where loyalty and brotherhood give way to betrayal and treachery, where political corruption and piles of Franklins poison every moment – and where Roger’s renowned self confidence and ability to solve any problem are pushed beyond even his limits. At the same time, Roger relies on skydiving to keep himself sane and, in the process, reaches new heights of innovation and accomplishment as the Sugar Alpha Chronicles reach their dramatic conclusion in Charlie Bravo.


About the Author

Roger and Melissa Nelson

Roger Nelson started skydiving when he was 16. By the time he died at age 47 in a skydiving accident, he had amassed more than 10,000 hours as a pilot; 9,000 parachute jumps; 100 hours of freefall time; multiple instructor ratings; national skydiving championships; and skydiving world records. Melissa Nelson, Roger’s oldest child and only daughter, made her first parachute jump with her father when she was 5 years old. She now has over 11,000 skydives, 18 skydiving World Records, and several U.S. Nationals medals in various disciplines. She continues to skydive and remains a leader in the sport.