Dr. Sriram Rajagopalan has more than 20 years of professional experience. Besides managing numerous projects and leading programs for several clients in multiple industries, he has also supported product development in a few market segments. He has established the project and program management office along with supporting processes with a focus on continuous improvement and operational excellence. Dr. Rajagopalan promotes a scholar-practitioner approach and has taught project management and leadership in several institutions internationally. As a prolific writer and an active speaker, he has published in international journals and professional periodicals and speaks on topics related to project management, agile transformation, and leadership. Based on his self-initiated research, he has published the TONES, PARAG, and SLEEP approaches to middle management transformation. He pays forward to the community by sowing the productivity seeds in the minds of the younger generation introducing the project management principles at high schools and making it part of core college courses. Further, he emphasizes that all working professionals can benefit from project management principles regardless of their field of work. Dr. Rajagopalan received the prestigious and globally recognized PMI Eric Jenett Project Management Excellence award in 2017. He was also one of the five finalists for the Kerzner Process Excellence award in 2012.
Organized Common Sense
Why Do Project Management Skills Apply to Everyone?
by Sriram Rajagopalan

Organized Common Sense
Why Do Project Management Skills Apply to Everyone?
by Sriram Rajagopalan
Published Jan 24, 2020
242 Pages
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Project Management
Book Details
Life is full of activities that fill our time. These activities range from simple ones like brushing our teeth in the morning to more involved ones like choosing the college to pursue higher education. All our daily activities are made up of projects. People of all ages and walks of life are part of projects; some also manage them. Whether you are a parent teaching your toddler to walk or a college graduate looking for a job, you are leading a project that has a definite outcome to be accomplished within a specific timeframe. Unlike many people that think a project means building a bridge, developing software, or creating a video game, the principles of project management is a life skill from the day you are born. This book aims to simplify project management and rewrite it as a life skill rather than as a professional, strategic, or technical skill. These skills can be used in high schools, colleges, and any other walks of life.