Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century

The Re-emergence of the Deliverance Ministry

by Judith Lawson PhD

Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century

Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century

The Re-emergence of the Deliverance Ministry

by Judith Lawson PhD

Published Mar 22, 2011
133 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare


Book Details

We take Jesus seriously, we must also take seriously the devil.

The “Jesus Movement” revival of the 1960’s and 1970’s saw “deliverance ministries” develop where evil spirits were discerned and cast out of suffering individuals. However, some in the Body of Christ questioned its validity believing the gifts had ceased with the death of the Apostle John and deliverance ministries faded into oblivion. However, because signs of the closing days of earth’s history are clear and spiritual warfare is intensifying learning its strategies is crucial for Christian growth. Thankfully there are also signs of re-emergence of the ministry of deliverance today in the 21st Century. This book outlines its principles.


About the Author

Judith Lawson PhD

Dr. Lawson holds two earned doctorate degrees, a DMin and PhD, is an ordained minister of the gospel, the Administrator for the Degree Completion Program and adjunct Professor at Trinity College of Florida. She volunteers as County Jail Assistant Chaplain, and teaches spiritual warfare at women’s residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers. With many years of spiritual warfare experience she helps those in bondage find freedom. If you wish to contact her regarding deliverance counseling or anything you have read in this book, or to invite her to speak or hold a conference, you can contact her at drjudycounselor@tampabay.rr.com.

Also by Judith Lawson PhD

Redeeming Hard Time and Hard Times
Jesus Is Coming, Clean Up the House
Confronting the Darkness and Finding Peace
Types and Shadows