Spiritual Principles Related to Chess

A Chess Players Casual Walk Through the Bible

by Dave Phelps

Spiritual Principles Related to Chess

Spiritual Principles Related to Chess

A Chess Players Casual Walk Through the Bible

by Dave Phelps

Published Oct 19, 2022
152 Pages


Book Details

Every book of the bible‭ (‬KJV‭) ‬contains chess insights and principles‭. ‬The author has creatively uncovered these principles in an‭ ‬artful and heuristic style‭, ‬revealing some general principles that are common to both chess and the bible‭, ‬while also providing‭ ‬insightful narratives to ponder‭.‬

“Dave Phelps has expertly uncovered and explained the chess principles that are hidden within the scriptures‭.‬”‭ ‬- Michael Joelson National Chess Master‭ ‬

“I have always had an appreciation for the parallels between the chess game and the game of life‭. ‬As a chess player and a pastor‭,‬‭ ‬I am encouraged to see someone take the time to put spiritual and chess principles together side by side‭. ‬Dave Phelps takes his‭ ‬reader through every book of the Bible to highlight the similarities‭, ‬thereby enriching every chess player’s appreciation for the Bible‭, ‬and every Bible reader’s appreciation for the game of chess‭.‬”‭ ‬- Gerald Johnson‭, ‬Pastor The Gathering Church Ministries‭ ‬

“Reading this book allowed me to engage with the Bible in a new way‭ - ‬visualizing spiritual principles as played out on a chess board‭. ‬It was also a great introduction to the overview of the Biblical narrative‭; ‬I learned a few new things about the books of‭ ‬the Bible and their many authors‭, ‬all while upping my chess game”‭.‬‭ ‬- Obasi Shaw‭, ‬Harvard B.A‭.; ‬English‭ ‬

“Congratulations to Dave on a well thought out book‭. ‬Anyone who reads it can appreciate a spiritual view of the bible through the‭ ‬mind of a chess player‭. ‬A very enjoyable read‭.‬”‭ ‬- Rafi A‭. ‬Rahim The ATA Group‭, ‬senior member‭ ‬‭(‬Analytical Thinkers in Action‭)‬