Solid Food

A Layman's Study of Hebrews

by Jeffrey Leath


Book Details

“...and you have come to need milk and not solid food.”

The early Hebrew Christians were encouraged to stand firmly in their faith in Jesus Christ. Hebrews, as a sermon or a letter, was targeted to Christian Jews who were tired of waiting for Jesus’s return and who were experiencing the persecution that comes from being followers of a man who was crucified on a Roman cross. The book of Hebrews encouraged them to view Jesus as the all-sufficient, powerful redeemer who would complete God’s program to bring us to Him. Today, by attempting to study the letter of Hebrews in the context of the original language, culture, and environment, we can see how Jewish history points to Jesus fulfilling the law and the prophets. Solid Food is a clear, concise guide to better understanding the richness of this Epistle and its relevance to the church today.


Book Excerpt

The Preacher quotes Habakkuk, chapter 2:3-4. Habakkuk was upset over the sin that he thought was so evident. It seemed to him that God was taking no notice of it. But God answers him. God will not delay, but you, being righteous, continue to live by faith. If he (the faithful person) shrinks back - that is, loses faith and becomes fearful - then God has no pleasure (Greek 'eudokeo' meaning "to approve") in him. Hebrew Christians, God will not delay. Jesus will return. You believers, keep living by faith even though you are persecuted.


About the Author

Jeffrey Leath

Jeffrey Leath and his wife, Reta, have been married 30 years and have three grown children: Mallory, Kyle, and Philip. They attend Pine Grove Church in Bowmansville, PA where Jeffrey leads a Sunday School class Bible study. His passion is studying scripture through original text while examining the culture, history, and environment of the writer’s intended audience. Solid Food is his study of Hebrews used for his Sunday School class in 2013.