Advanced ESOL: Volume III

Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation for College Undergraduate and Graduate Students

by Susan McMillan, PhD

Advanced ESOL: Volume III

Advanced ESOL: Volume III

Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation for College Undergraduate and Graduate Students

by Susan McMillan, PhD

Published Jan 22, 2024
267 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth


Book Details

International Improve English and Learn the Gospel

Thousands of International students, both graduate and undergraduate enter U.S. Colleges and enter able to read and understand English so they can read textbooks and write papers for classes. However, their conversation skills often are lacking making interactions with professors and classmates problematic. The first two volumes of this series presents the history of the Jews, the Gospel and more. This third volume begins with Adam and Eve, presents some Old Testament characters and prophets and ends with the Gospel and the Christian Life.


About the Author

Susan McMillan, PhD

The author, Dr. Susan McMillan, is Emeritus Distinguished Professor at the University of South Florida in Tampa and has authored many refereed articles in nursing journals. She has taught English using these lessons for International Students for the past 15+ years.

Also by Susan McMillan, PhD

Advanced ESOL: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation for College Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Advanced ESOL Volume 2: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation - For College Undergraduate and Graduate Students