Men Of Like Passion

Six Men God Used To Bless His People

by Bill Taylor


Book Details

Six Men Who Made A Difference

There have been untold millions of men who have been born, who have quietly lived their lives, and who have moved off the stage of time with little fanfare. God’s Holy word tells us about six men who lived lives much like anyone else, yet their lives were marked with distinction. God used these men to bless His people in the times in which they lived. And because He recorded the righteous ways in which He directed their lives, we today are blessed to be inspired to walk faithfully using God’s dealings with these men as our example. This book examines the Scriptural accounts of the lives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses and gives practical examples of how God is still using these men to bless His people.


Book Excerpt

"On the sixth day of Creation, God completed His work in a final act of grace and glory. He had created the heavens and the earth, populating them with heavenly bodies and earthly living things. The sun, moon, and stars shone in all their illuminating glory, and the earth was fully capable of thriving and continuing on the path its Creator had established for it. He had spoken all things into existence by the power of His word, simply stating, “Let there be..” and that which He commanded came together in perfect alignment with His purpose and will." - A Creature in God's Image


About the Author

Bill Taylor

Bill Taylor has been an ordained Primitive Baptist minister for twenty years, serving churches in Alabama and Tennessee as a pastor. This is his first published book, and it is the result of his having written and distributed daily meditations on various Bible subjects for many years. This is not a heavy theological commentary; instead, it is a practical approach to understanding God's word and how it is still, "quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."