Sincerely, Room 111

Voices of a New Era

by American Literature Students of Room 111 at Hanford High School, Richland, WA


Book Details

Written by and for teens, this book will renew your faith in young adults. “Sincerely, Room 111” is an essential guide written by those who will lead us in the years to come!

Since March 2020 teens have been challenged in a myriad of ways. They have been met with unprecedented obstacles. However, this has also been a time of self-discovery and affirmation. This book has been developed from that place. The teens who have authored this book desire to reach out and remind other teens of their strength and ability to overcome obstacles and to flourish through this difficult and unprecedented time.


Book Excerpt


It’s been almost two years and we still don’t seem to get out of this pandemic. That’s OK though, because I know you’ll make it through, my heart and soul tell me so. Allow me to tell you something: The simple fact that you are here, reading this, tells me you are strong. It tells me you have the willpower inside of you to face the rest of this pandemic and further challenges ahead that lay along your path of life. Do not allow yourself to be chained down by anything or anyone, I know how it feels to be chained down and feel defeated; you are stronger than that. I won’t say it’ll be a walk in the park but you are capable of exceeding the expectations you may have for yourself by miles. All in all, you, a teenager, have a lot to give, my friend. Second, you have the power within you to become something great, but you cannot allow yourself to be beaten down by all the bad. You have the soul of a raging Phoenix. I wish I could have met you to tell you this in person but all regrets aside, stay strong, stay healthy, remember to eat, play, and hold those you care deeply for close to your heart. Godspeed, my friend.


About the Author

American Literature Students of Room 111 at Hanford High School, Richland, WA

The authors of this book are over one hundred 11th and 12th grade students who share in the community of Room 111 at Hanford High School, Richland, WA. They represent a tapestry of young adults, who like those before them, seek the American Dream. What binds them together is the belief that teens must reach out to other teens and together overcome the uncertainty and anxiety of COVID-19. They are teens who relentlessly believe in the strength of other young people and the communities in which they live.