Silent Think Time

How to Bring Virtues Back into Our Home, Schools, Counseling and Work

by Karen Zalubowski Stryker

Silent Think Time

Silent Think Time

How to Bring Virtues Back into Our Home, Schools, Counseling and Work

by Karen Zalubowski Stryker

Published Jun 11, 2012
123 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Interpersonal Relations


Book Details

SILENT THINK TIME (STT) guides us to daily positive thinking, breathing and physical exercises, ego release, body energy awareness, and shows you how to set up a STT room, as well as introspective questions, sayings, poems, and affirmations to stimulate emotionally balanced, polite, respectful, self-controlled, children and adults, whom understand their behaviors affects our inner-connectivity to everything. ALL home, schools, work and counseling can benefit! By applying these lessons, you can help change the quality of our homes, education, workplaces, institutions and organizational systems. Technology has advanced thousands of times faster than our true understanding of ourselves. The result is a greedy, violent world filled with emotionally numb, chronically sleep-deprived, ill-fed, and imbalanced people. SILENT THINK TIME can help you, as well as your spouse, children, students, coaches, clients, employees, veterans or inmates learn to behave in ways that are positively centered, emotionally balanced, peaceful, respectful, polite, self-controlled, patient, and understanding. Doing STT daily lessons will fuel a loving sensitivity toward others, serene composure, clearer thinking and a blissful enlightened mood. By reestablishing your intuitive self, STT keeps its practitioners positively motivated toward the correct pathways in life, through self-discipline, self-control and being in control of our own body healing. If adults and children practiced STT in all aspects of our world, we could redirect our entire society “emotional firefly”, constant strobe light, “noise chatter” motion. It would teach us the inter-connectivity and interdependency between all living things. We can master a life free from worries, doubts, fears, resentments, anger or shame, through physical and breathing exercises, and a positive mindset to lead us from restlessness to peace, desires to contentment, and ignorance to wisdom.


Book Excerpt

Karen Zalubowski Stryker’s guides us to daily positive thinking, breathing and physical exercises, ego release, body energy awareness, and shows you how to set up a STT area, as well as introspective questions, sayings, poems, and affirmations to stimulate emotionally balanced, polite, respectful, self-controlled, children and adults, whom understand their behaviors affects our inner-connectivity to everything. All home, schools, work & counseling can benefit! Strykers manual contains daily simple breathing, mental and physical exercises to help readers master a positive mindset that leads from restlessness to peace, desire to contentment and ignorance to wisdom. Her goal is for everyone to do a daily body mental introspective tune-up, to re-center and self-heal ourselves - we give tune-ups to our cars ‘why not to our body, mind, and soul?’ We can improve the quality of ourselves by doing STT 15+ minutes twice per day and by creating STT rooms in all areas of our daily lives: home, work, school, military, nursing homes, hospitals, and prisons, airports/bus/train terminals, in order to rebalance or re-center ourselves. Drawing on Eastern thought and diverse other practices, Stryker uses positive thinking, scientific body energy studies, breathing and physical exercise, Chi, chakras and quantum physics to orchestrate a period of daily “silent think time” that readers can use to survive the constant strobe lights and noisy chatter that surrounds us in our daily lives. We live in a world where technology has advanced far faster than our understanding of ourselves, and the result is a greedy, violent world with few paths to individual peace and understanding. Too many people function in a chronically numb, sleep deprived and ill fed state that keeps them perpetually off balance as individuals. STT is a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) technique, a form of meditation, which involves focusing one’s attention on sensations, feelings and state of mind. This activity has been shown to reduce harmful stress hormones. In one study, researchers took MRI scans of the brains of people who had participated in meditation for eight weeks. The density of the gray matter in the hippocampus increased significantly compared with the control group. Practicing Stryker’s silent think time techniques and refreshing oneself daily with “Will I Do This Today?”, “What-If & Why?” questions, the poems, sayings and affirmations, she has included in her guide will help bring readers back into balance and more able to practice the self-discipline and self-control needed in a scattered “emotional-firefly”, “me-only” world such as ours. By doing STT one can take control of their own body, mind and spirit healing, and will fuel a loving sensitivity toward others, secure composure, clear thinking, and will aid in reestablishing our intuitive self. STT also talks about Schuman’s resonance: our changing earths vibrational frequency, sound and music and self-healing, “entraining” music vs higher IQ music, STT and our brain, “I will-I won’t-I want”, alcoholic brain studies, “living in time”, reflective listening, and positive vs negative words in our vocabulary. All teachers, counselors, parents, coaches, business human resource departments, military veterans, prisons, hospitals and nursing homes can benefit from this book. For all of these groups, doing positive "SILENT THINK TIME" (STT) once or twice daily will raise morals, virtues, and brain functioning, and will help everyone who participates to develop the full potential of human consciousness. Ideally, we should set up STT rooms in all areas of our everyday lives: home, work, school, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, airports, and bus or train terminals. In STT rooms, everyone in your home, school or these other places can re-center and balance their energies several times daily. You can help change the quality of our educational system, your family and work attitudes by doing your part to have STT rooms and lessons implemented! Do you want your students, family, clients, employees or inmates to behave in ways that are positively centered, emotionally balanced, cheerful, kind, respectful, polite, self-controlled, patient, understanding, wise and peaceful? Have you asked yourself daily, “Who am I in relation to the rest of the world?” and “What was my most precious moment today?” If not, then you can benefit from this book. The ideas presented here can also improve creativity and academic performance; reduce the effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning disorders; and help people deal with anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Practicing STT can help alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder in children or adults who have experienced any type of violent acts. By focusing and concentrating during SILENT THINK TIME lessons, your mind will fuel a loving sensitivity that will result in wanting to know others better and creating a happy environment, making ideas flow better throughout the day. These lessons can create a blissful, enlightened mood so one wants to dive deeper into relationships with others. The lessons will stimulate our willpower and reestablish our intuitive selves, keeping us motivated toward the correct pathways in life. Technology has advanced thousands of times faster than our true understanding of ourselves and our ability to be self-controlled and self-disciplined. Materialistic items have taken precedence over pursuing our true needs for love, balance and becoming centered individuals. Because we are chronically sleep-deprived and ill-fed, with unbalanced energies, we often make wrong choices in life. If we developed a better understanding of ourselves and our true desires, we wouldn't make incorrect choices in vocation, investments, life companions, etc. We’re constantly bombarded by information, creating a sensory overload for those of us living in today's electronic world. To combat the effects of these distracting stimuli, we need to discipline our bodies and minds, like taming the steed. We need to use self-control in order to make righteous, skillful, discreet, correct and bridled decisions. Sensory stress overload changes our hormones, immune system, brain and entire bodily functions; therefore, we need to slow our stressed activities. As STT students or as meditators learn to silence the chatter of their minds, reducing the extraneous mental and emotional "noise clutter," we notice they become easier persons to be around because they seem steady, imperturbable and more balanced than others. STT AND CHILDREN Children pay a big price for living in this world of sensory and informational overload. The Internet, videos, iPods, TV and all the rest have turned our young emotionally numb. They create an amplified artificial support crutch, enabling youngsters to hide their pain, rather than communicating to those in their true support system: the families and relatives who love them unconditionally. We need to teach our children "good cybercitizenship." Good cybercitizenship is the self-disciplined, self-controlled use of positive words and behaviors when interrelating with anyone on the Internet or while texting. Then this loving attitude can spread to our actual daily friend and family relationships. Kids' TV cartoons cause children to be in constant strobe light motion, like "emotional fireflies," thus losing their emotional connections, balance, and knowledge of values, compassion, understanding and concentration. Children under the spell of these frantic, quick-changing video images and loud, wild characters are unable to focus calmly and positively on life's really important matters: family and friends. By applying STT lessons and positive thinking, we can teach our children to refocus and concentrate on their attitudes and behaviors with serene composure, thereby improving their virtues and morals. If schools would incorporate this philosophy and lessons in all grades, they could help children correct their negative behaviors and find greater peace and maturity. STT AND ADULTS Bringing back good virtues and morals aids a person in distinguishing between the principles of right and wrong. It means being in excellent conduct or character and being ethical in thoughts, attitudes and behavior, including sexual activity. It involves having sympathy and respect for others, with a mental mindset of courage, discipline and confidence. STT is the ability to think deeply by adopting a calm, passive attitude – a neutral mind, in which you do not judge yourself or others. That peaceful, blissful attitude is carried into all your daily activities. Virtuous people have the effective power or force, efficacy, potency and ability to heal or strengthen themselves or others. They have bravery, uprightness, rectitude, good quality and accomplishment, while being excellent in general valor, courage and daring to do what is just with a sense of duty and responsibility to the world. As in Christian theology the three virtues are faith, hope and charity. A thorough application of STT leads to mastering a balanced mind, free from worries, doubts, and fears of the future, resentment, anger or shame of the past. HOW TO BEGIN STT STT works by initiating a sequence of physical and mental changes that affect the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously. A person can get started with STT by faithfully applying the exercises and lessons described in this book every day. Being aware of all the positive and negative words used in your vocabulary allows you the ability to change. By using your silent imagination, and positive thinking, you can change your body energy, therefore allowing yourself to heal from bad habits, pain. You can ask for your work worlds, schools and counseling arenas to set up an STT room in order to improve creative work production or negative attitudes; correct a student's bad behavior; or help clients solve their own problems. Many of our workplaces are destroying our morals by allowing a loose tolerance of drugs and alcohol just to keep employees or soldiers happy while doing mundane jobs. Some lessons on self-discipline and self-control during an employer-paid 15-minute SILENT THINK TIME could help correct any negative behaviors. We are not being good universal or cosmic citizens if we do not love others as ourselves. This is why it is important on a daily basis to sincerely think, write, discuss and share openly these feelings in positive expressions and awareness of others. A Tucson, Arizona, school used somewhat similar concepts from the David Lynch Foundation successfully. The school principal found there was a 50 percent decrease in bad behaviors, and students said, "I can sleep better and my thoughts are clearer" and "I don't get frustrated or angry and I stay more relaxed now." STT goes beyond the David Lynch Foundation in that it applies teaching and focusing techniques in the realities of today's busy world. My book can be easily applied at any level at any place in our society. Review the “Letting Go” chapter and ask yourself, ”What if?" and "What can I do to improve my world?" and "Am I using words from the positive or negative lists of words in the appendices?" Would you like to see the following changes occur? a. Your students sincerely, compassionately, enthusiastically motivated to shun negative offensive behaviors such as bullying, misunderstanding and being outright mean? b. Your grade school children being motivated to inspire adults with incredible creativity in their science projects, poems or songs, rather than being defiant, intolerant and incompetent? c. Yourself with an attitude that promotes the most brilliant ideas at work so that you are promoted in a short period of time, rather than just waiting for the paycheck to come in? d. Teenagers choosing to be ambitious in helping the handicapped neighbor by carrying their groceries or mowing their lawns rather than robbing them for money for drugs? e. Your counseling clients to break their drug habits or other bad behaviors rather than having a negative, defeated attitude? f. Your employees positively and creatively motivated, trustworthy, respectful, accomplished and grateful, rather than calling in sick often and doing the minimum amount of work? g. All your friends and relatives to be righteous, ethical, faithful, honest, presumptive, virtuous and well conducted with integrity rather than backstabbing you at their first opportunity? h. Your pains healed and yourself rid of bad habits forever rather than dwelling in self-centered pity? After gathering five college degrees – in psychology, computer science, art and two in education -- and seven teaching endorsements, I taught K-12, mostly at the high school level. I used some of these lessons during that time. I found that STT techniques helped my students to focus, concentrate and behave with a positive attitude toward others. This book was originally started so our 5 children could absorb this information on their own time. In trying to improve their worlds I discovered how much more I could learn in this process. Being a person always needing to bring balance to my world by frequently being in a quiet natural environment, focusing on ideas and projects, or just being in a silent meditation mode, I thought others could benefit from my secret of success and STT information. Genre: Family and Relationships/Interpersonal Relations; Education: Teaching Methods & Materials/General; Body, Mind and Spirit/Meditation For more information or to contact the author, visit and blog at or email:


About the Author

Karen Zalubowski Stryker

Karen has earned five college degrees, seven teaching endorsements, was a teacher, systems analyst & business owner. She is a writer, poet, artist, builder & traveler of 42 countries.