Shamanic Yoga & Psycho-Emotional Healing

by A.J. Wice

Shamanic Yoga & Psycho-Emotional Healing

Shamanic Yoga & Psycho-Emotional Healing

by A.J. Wice

Published Dec 19, 2019
204 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / General


Book Details

Create a better quality of life for yourself—a life of peace, depth, meaning, and purpose—with Shamanic Yoga

Liberate your natural healing forces and creative energy while attracting the healing powers of nature with shamanic yoga—a healing practice that has evolved from indigenous shamans and yoga masters from East to West.

Shamanic yoga blends two ancient healing traditions: shamanism, the original healing system of native spirituality, and yoga, which unites the body, mind, and soul. Shamanic Yoga and Psycho-Emotional Healing can help you access realms of being that go beyond ego-based thinking and feeling. With consistent practice, you will gain deep insight and awareness—glimpses into your pure, uncluttered being—guiding you toward health, healing, and wholeness. Let shamanic yoga take you on a transformational journey, and discover interconnected wholeness with the healing forces of nature—both internal and external.


About the Author

A.J. Wice

A.J. Wice has a private psychotherapy and healing practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She holds a board certification in body-mind therapy and a professional registration in yoga/meditation. She trained at George Washington University, New York University (M.A.), and Georgia State University (M.Ed.). She is a yoga/meditation consultant in the Wellness Program at Georgia State University and has practiced in Varanasi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal, including direct study with TKV Desikachar & K. Patabbi Jois. A.J. has also experienced direct shamanic healings in the Amazon jungle, the High Andes mountains, Machu Picchu, Peru, and Bali, Indonesia. She taught shamanic yoga internationally for five years with Dreamchange Coalition, a global organization serving shamanism and ecology, and has presented at the Institute of Noetic Science Conference, The Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, and The American Psychological Association.