Book Details

Poets are truth-sayers who give us the world in a mirror of words. Words must be bound with caring discipline, else, like children, they run amok

Shadows is a varied collection of experiences and feelings wrung from 50 years of being engaged with the world by a farm-raised speech/language pathologist. The collection is both lyrical and hard-hitting, with poignant verse and unflinching honesty—all rich in imagery and imagination. The poems are reflections on love gained and lost, war, working with disabilities, being lost in nature, philosophical musings, introspection, and whimsy. Somewhere in the pages of this brilliant collection may be a shadow that matches one of your own…


About the Author

William Stephen Edwards

William Stephen Edwards was raised on a dryland cotton farm in West Texas. He holds a BA in English (1965) and an MS in Speech/Language Pathology and Audiology (1972) from Texas Tech University. Mr. Edwards is a decorated Vietnam veteran and is divorced, with two daughters. Currently he is a retired speech/language pathologist living in Austin, Texas.



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