September 11, 2001: The Day Our World Stopped Turning!

by Linda M. Christner, M.Ed

September 11, 2001: The Day Our World Stopped Turning!

September 11, 2001: The Day Our World Stopped Turning!

by Linda M. Christner, M.Ed

Published Jul 22, 2016
113 Pages
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Terrorism


Book Details

Take a different look at 9/11—See it through the eyes of a crisis responder to Ground Zero

This book is not for the faint of heart. It contains content, although true to the best of my ability, many might find upsetting. This is the story of my experience as a National Crisis volunteer who went, when called upon to do so, to work as a crisis responder following the terrorist attack on our country on September 11, 2001. Our team was sent to work with families from New Jersey who had lost loved ones in the World Trade Center attack. Our team of volunteers became known as “The Blue Shirts” because we were given blue denim shirts to wear as jackets so we could easily be recognized by our families. We were the first team to take those who had lost family members from New Jersey, to Ground Zero. The stories herein are riveting and sometimes emotionally raw, as they describe the families with whom we worked and the feelings that were felt at that place in time.


About the Author

Linda M. Christner, M.Ed

I was born in Jefferson City, Missouri and grew up in Olean, Missouri. Olean was a great place to live. The population was under 150, and it truly was one of those places where the kids could run around all day in the summer and parents never worried about them because all the parents watched out for all the kids. I have such fond memories of carefree days running around the small town with friends, riding bikes, playing in the nearby creek, playing basketball in an abandoned building we named “The White House,” and just sitting around idly without any cares. Some friends who come to mind are the Bishops, the Johnstons, the Harrisons, the Martins, the Pearsons, the Scotts, the Thorsons, B. Crouch, K. Malear, S. Pitts, K. Hauenstein, the Latimers, and the Barks. These were all kids near my age, and were in our daily group at some point as we contemplated our futures while sipping cokes and eating candy bars. We truly did know to be home by the time the street lights came on, or we heard our mothers scream that dinner was ready, whichever came first. In 2003, I retired from my work as a professional counselor and social worker, and moved to San Antonio, Texas to be closer to my daughter. That is where I am currently living. I have been blessed with three grandchildren whom I love with all my heart!