Eldon Ward is a veteran who holds a management degree, two trade-school diplomas, a correspondence diploma in drafting and engineering, plus numerous specialty advancement seminars, and a fifty-plus-year course in the school of hard-knocks. He lives in Krebs, Oklahoma. Sea of Glass is his debut novel.
Sea of Glass
Nothing is Hid from God
by Eldon Ward
Sea of Glass
Nothing is Hid from God
by Eldon Ward
Published Sep 29, 2017
229 Pages
Genre: HISTORY / Social History
Book Details
New wine (teaching) cannot be put in old wineskins (denominational religious people), for the skins will burst when the new teachings are not believed and the wine—the truth of God—will spill. But when new wine is put into fresh wineskins, those seeking the truth of God, both are preserved. A person must become a new wineskin in Christ Jesus! *** Brothers in arms, it’s like a firefight: keep your head down while laying out so much firepower that the enemy stays down. God asks no more of us than this same truth; do all you can in keeping yourself right, while giving as much attention as you can in keeping the enemy off your brother's back. *** Part memoir, part biblical study guide, Sea of Glass is filled with drama, insight, and a love of God.