The Legend of Santa Dan and Mark the Elf

Just a Couple of Nincompoops

by Georgiann Fischer

The Legend of Santa Dan and Mark the Elf

The Legend of Santa Dan and Mark the Elf

Just a Couple of Nincompoops

by Georgiann Fischer

Published Sep 04, 2015
223 Pages


Book Details

The Misadventures Of Two Well-Intentioned Friends

Santa Claus and an Elf are not mythical entities. Santa Dan and Mark the Elf are real-life human beings who live in central Iowa. Their charming and endearing antics have delighted the hearts of many unsuspecting souls from infants to gen-xer’s to well-seasoned citizens all year long, not just between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Laugh, cry and become mesmerized as these two buddies entertain you to your hearts content as they transform themselves into Santa and the Elf, or into two beautiful brides and even as they become a Priest and Altar Boy. Who first called them “nincompoops?” Can they sing? How is their golf game? Las Vegas, London and Denmark are explored. There are encounters with a brave Marine, an Olympic Gold Medalist and a Royal Prince. Their amazing adventures are boundless and captivating memories are at your fingertips. Begin your journey by opening the book.


About the Author

Georgiann Fischer

Georgiann, the authentic Mrs. Claus, is an award-winning photographer and correspondent for Santa Dan and Mark the Elf. She and Dan have been married for nearly 40 years and she has witnessed many of their shenanigans. As an Iowa Master Angler; she capably identified many of their remaining larger-than-life “fish tales,” using this information to chronicle their adventures.