Sail On

A Woman’s Personal Journey Through Depression

by Yuxiang D. Zhang; Tiffany J. Towsley

Sail On

Sail On

A Woman’s Personal Journey Through Depression

by Yuxiang D. Zhang; Tiffany J. Towsley

Published Apr 11, 2018
110 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Depression


Book Details

This book captures the personal account of a woman’s experience with pre-menopausal depression. The main purpose of this book is to provide hope and possible solutions for others suffering from depression. The book covers the following topics: • A depiction of the mental state of a woman experiencing depression, anxiety and panic attacks. • The process of self-exploration with the intent of discovering your own causes and solutions for depression. • The author’s personal solutions and approaches for coping with and overcoming depression. • Tips for restoring and maintaining a balanced, peaceful, and happy life. • The author’s perspective on the value, and meaning of life.


About the Author

Yuxiang D. Zhang; Tiffany J. Towsley

Yuxiang D. Zhang is a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. She migrated from China to the USA in her late twenties. She resides in the Bay Area and is a wife and a mother of two young adults. She has written about her experience with depression to share her story with others in hopes that it will be useful.