Hosea Montgomery Jr. was born in Beatrice, Alabama. He and his wife of 49 years, Elma Watts Montgomery (deceased), have four children: Gary (deceased), Christal, Sheron, and Darold. Mr. Montgomery has served as the pastor of the Bethlehem United Missionary Baptist Church for 27 years. He holds an honorary doctorate, master’s, bachelor’s, and associate degree and is a member of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A.
Putting Jesus on the Market
Five Steps to Sermon Preparation, followed by 25 Sermon Applications
by Dr. Hosea Montgomery Jr
Putting Jesus on the Market
Five Steps to Sermon Preparation, followed by 25 Sermon Applications
by Dr. Hosea Montgomery Jr
Published Nov 16, 2015
216 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Sermons / General
Book Details
Putting Jesus on the Market is a true labor of love—a personal expression of Dr. Hosea Montgomery Jr’s years of experience, educational accomplishments, and lifelong passion to help others, especially young ministers. Not only is this book a great read; it is an awesome resource for those who have been charged with the task of presenting the Word of God to His people and want to do so with a high level of quality and excellence. With clear, step-by-step instructions, Putting Jesus on the Market will enhance skills in sermon preparation as well as provide a renewed passion in presenting to others the Christ we love so dearly.