Dr. Sai Tedla has a PhD in International Development and Education with a focus in non-traditional education. She has worked to build community inside and outside the classroom in colleges and universities. Through community outreach, she has brought together students, parents, teachers, and faculty in locations around the country to create learning communities.
Principle-centered Education Through Community Development
by Sai Tedla

Principle-centered Education Through Community Development
by Sai Tedla
Published Sep 15, 2023
116 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / General
Book Details
Establishing our education on a common foundation – The Principle, TruthLovePeace
Is there a common foundation that humanity can share and on which we can build our education, work-place and community? What educational approach can we forge that is compassionate, inclusive and founded on humanity’s benevolent qualities? One answer lies in adopting TruthLovePeace as our common foundation – for it is what people throughout the world, on the whole, want for themselves and for those near and dear to them. Without TruthLovePeace, a society or community can be overwhelmed by lawlessness, falsehood, injustice, cruelty, civil war, or international war. Thus, integrity and character, which are practical expressions of TruthLovePeace, are indispensable to our society and world-community.
Here, the Sol Education with its Community-building Program (founded on The Principle, TruthLovePeace) is being advanced. This Program invites and encourages us to establish our educational, work-place and community endeavors on 11 Community Fostering Qualities, which are concrete expressions of The Principle, TruthLovePeace.