Pongo's Pain

by Amanda Pyle


Book Details

Pongo’s poor head! A tale of concussions, their effects, and the triumph of true friendship…

Meet Pongo—an active young monkey who plays with reckless abandon in a jungle in Cameroon. But when Pongo is injured and suffers a concussion, he must deal with the pain, confusion, and isolation from his friends and normal activity. In Pongo’s Pain, you’ll learn how he deals with these issues and how he, his mom, and his friends cope with this common childhood injury!


About the Author

Amanda Pyle

Amanda Pyle was an active 13-year-old who participated in many sports at a high level. In the fall of 2014 she suffered a severe concussion during a soccer game, resulting in her missing four months of school, friends, sports, and most of her normal activities. At first Amanda was very upset and felt depressed and isolated from her friends and family. Ultimately, she decided to “make lemonade out of lemons” and wrote Pongo’s Pain to share how Pongo overcomes his injury, just as Amanda did hers.