The Adventures of PJ and Split Pea Vol. II

Nothing But the Tooth

by S.D. Moore

The Adventures of PJ and Split Pea Vol. II

The Adventures of PJ and Split Pea Vol. II

Nothing But the Tooth

by S.D. Moore

Published Jan 31, 2010
37 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General


Book Details

PJ and Split Pea Expose the Tooth

about Class Pictures


PJ has had a few embarrassing school pictures throughout the years. After an incident with a green Magic Marker, PJ ends up looking startlingly similar to a Martian in one photo. In another, he’s a gluey-haired mess. But this year, PJ is determined to get a decent photograph—until, that is, he wakes up missing a tooth only one day before class pictures.

Join PJ and his pal Split Pea—a wisecracking parrot with a British accent—as they embark on a series of misadventures in their quest to buy, beg, and even “borrow” a new set of teeth for Picture Day.

What could possibly go wrong?


About the Author

S.D. Moore

About the Author: S.D. Moore is an Air Force veteran who has served as the director of a youth center, host of a self-improvement radio show, patented inventor of The Portable Hot Sink System, and is a leadership educator. She is working toward a Doctorate of Education, holds dual master’s degrees in management and human resources development, and is the author of Basics to Business: Minding Your Business with Excel (2003). Nothing but the Tooth is the second in a children’s series.

Also by S.D. Moore

The Adventures of PJ and Split Pea Vol. I
The Adventures of PJ and Split Pea Vol. III


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