Penning Patience

by Justin Israel


Book Details

“I Believe”

Before we begin,
You must understand
That this book is a journey
And the words that are spoken here
Should not be treated
Like a grain of sand.

Yes, I am only a man
With a limited life span.
A man who “Chose” to serve his country:
A man who turned into another Forgotten Veteran.

I can be crude and I can be rude,
Yet in “The End” I always aim to be True
Even if that means I end up offending you
With my realistic, GOD-fearing, patriotic points of view.

Yes, I possess a four-letter vocabulary.
Trust me when I say, you are not only going to read about the flowers and bunnies here.
What you are about to read is not going to be easy.
Not for you, not for me and definitely not for the foolhardy.

So try to forgive me for my sins
And I will do my best at forgiving you for yours
Because after ALL we are only human
Trying our best to get by in this F.U.C.K.E.D.*-up world that we have created
Through ALL of our sins.

*(Forbidden Under Crown of King Every Day)

I started writing these words,
Never expecting them to ever be heard.
I wrote them to get them off my chest
Because I desperately needed some peace and rest.


About the Author

Justin Israel

What you are about to read is ALL of my pain and misery Written down over the course of 5 years After Full-Time Active Duty service For our country. You are going to read about all of the hurts that I obtained Both past and present: dealing with PTSD, struggling on to stay sane. Like I said in the beginning, You are going to have to forgive me for my sins And while you read, if you feel the need to label me Then label me correctly, That “I Believe.”



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