Peeking Through Blind Justice

One Person's Fight Against Workplace Discrimination

by Marcy Rich

Peeking Through Blind Justice

Peeking Through Blind Justice

One Person's Fight Against Workplace Discrimination

by Marcy Rich

Published Jan 18, 2019
158 Pages
Genre: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination


Book Details

Don’t be fooled thinking you are protected under the Civil Rights Act.

Do you think as an employee you are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? The Judicial system keeps the bar quite high for legal workplace discrimination. As long as the organization stays just below that bar, they can discriminate. And they do.

Sharing her experience as a plaintiff in a federal religious discrimination case, Marcy Rich gives us a ground view of the winding process of litigation starting with filing a charge with EEOC. By infusing her story with actual statements, testimonies, and documents, you get a glimpse of the maneuvering of facts and data employed in the legal system.

As she gives many examples of the biases and intolerance inflicted on her, she powerfully reminds us how each of us must make more inquiries about our differences than judgments.

In Peeking Through Blind Justice, the discussion of the legal process makes way to show the responsibility organizations and their leadership have to enforce the General Civility Code.

This book will reveal for you:

• Strategies organizations can use to deal with conflicts so no issue is resolved by a Judge’s ruling

• The real definitions of hostile work environment and disparate treatment

• Ways organizations and individuals can express compassion and acceptance

• Techniques to keep prejudices at a distance and respect close by

• Detrimental effects of ego driven leadership


Book Excerpt

Watch my video by clicking here.


About the Author

Marcy Rich

A highly skilled and accomplished relationship coach and mediator, Marcy Rich has inspired thousands of people with her vibrant personality and spirited energy. Over the last several decades, she has established a reputation as a dynamic and colorful presenter, workshop leader, and facilitator. Marcy’s focus is on helping clients develop rich relationships in all aspects of their lives.