Paper Roses

A Story of Imitation Love

by Lori Bassett


Book Details

He loves me? He loves me not?

Growing up we learn that there is no such thing as the boogie man. We learn that shadows will not hurt us. We learn not to be afraid of the dark. We learn not to talk to strangers. We spend years looking under the bed and in the closet, just to see there really are no monsters there. We also learn that love is a good thing. Love brings us together. Love protects us. Love is where we want to be. Sadly, we also learn, not everyone is taught the same way. Sometimes all those demons do exist and sometimes hearing “I love you” should make you turn around and run away.


About the Author

Lori Bassett

What happens behind closed doors truly is only known by the ones behind those doors. My story, I’m sure, is the same as many others, yet known by very few. My quiet, mid-western life in small town, USA, now consists solely of peace, happiness and true love, thanks to my wonderful family and the few friends I have left.



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